
iDoc Forms Automation

Forms automation drives business productivity improvements. Designed as an app within SharePoint, it simplifies the creation, completion, and submission of various forms across organizations. By utilizing tailored iDOC Forms apps readily available for SharePoint, businesses can seamlessly implement robust Business Process Management (BPM) solutions to automate repetitive tasks, boost efficiency, and uphold regulatory compliance.

iScan - OCR on SharePoint

An innovative OCR-driven solution meticulously crafted to streamline image-assisted data entry and enhance document management within the SharePoint environment. This cutting-edge tool is engineered to revolutionize data handling processes, offering efficiency and accuracy. Tailored specifically for SharePoint, this solution seamlessly integrates with the platform, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.

iDoc Document Control

iDoc is a suite of apps for the specialized business requirements of workflow and process automation. Developed using SharePoint Online platform, iDoc enables organizations to quickly start digitizing and go paperless with configurable approval workflows. iDoc provides organizing, routing, tracking, authorizing and distributing all documentation involved in projects.

iFiling DMS

iFiling allows organizations centrally manage documents as per the standard procedure of Document Filing and Control. Streamlines, tracks and govern the process of filing, search, and permissions. iFiling is a template based solution for the below specified area of Document management control.


iContract is a Contract Management Application will be used to manage the creation, negotiation, amendment, signature and analysis of contracts. Submit, distribute, track, verify your contracts internally with multiple approval levels. Send approved contract to your party.


Projects have specific needs for managing timesheets and track hours for billing. With our app, employees can submit hours based on client, project activity and task for approval. TimeTrack enable users to enter hours worked against projects and activities. Use the Timesheets page to view a list of all timesheets that you or the resources assigned to a project for which you are a timesheet supervisor or approver own.